Full-service solution

3D Medical Models bridges the gap between technical and medical expertise using an ISO 13485 certified communication platform and (patient-specific) 3D-prints. The use of 3D-prints, such as anatomical models, drill guides, and cutting guides, has a significant impact on time saving and the accuracy of treatments.

3D Medical Models connects this expertise by offering a full-service solution: from scan to a  customized 3D-printed model!

For whom?

Medical 3D (printing) technology can be applied across various specialties.

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In five steps from scan to 3D-print with the full-service solution of 3D Medical Models



3D Medical Models operates according to a fully validated ISO 13485 process.

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Kwaliteitsdag OK 2024: 3D technologie in jouw OK?

Op 7 maart '24 organiseert de LVO de Kwaliteitsdag OK. Erik van der Garde vertelt hoe 3D-technologie een enorme boost kan geven aan kostenbesparing, zorg op maat en duurzaamheid.

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3D geprinte hulpmiddelen en hersterilisatie

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